Kharvel Nagar, Janpath, Unit-3, Bhubaneswar – 751001
Library division of Institute of Media Studies was set up in 1994 with an objective to cater the needs of staff, students and research scholars. The library has ample collection of documents and publications. Presently, library is having a number of books, journals, periodicals, magazines. The bulk of collection covers Journalism and Mass Communication, Social Work, management, PMIR, finance and computers with nine subscribed Journals & magazines.
Besides, the library has a good collection of archives section. The Library is one of the key resources for the budding managers, practicing professionals and faculties. From its inception, it has an enviable collection of text books, reference materials, electronic databases and professional journals from all over the world. Over the years, it has acquired other resource materials, such as, audio visuals, working papers, annual reports, and summer projects.
The Library division has set up an automated library system with the help of e-Granthalaya software developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC), Government of India. The software provides all kinds of features required to automate the in-house activities as well as library services. Its collection comprises predominantly literature on Electronic media, Business- Management, Social work and the allied areas.
Resource development policies and services are mandated by Institute for teaching, Research and learning objectives. All housekeeping operations are automated using by NIC’s e-Granthalaya.
Here a computerized system allows users to obtain coherent means of access to an organized, electronically stored repository of information at their workplace itself.
Hostel Facility for both boys and girls are available. The applicants who are interested for hostel should clearly mark “HOSTEL” on the top of the application form
Career assessments are tools that are designed to help individuals to understand how a variety of personal attributes (i.e., interests, values, preferences, motivations, aptitudes and skills), impact their potential success and satisfaction with different career options and work environments. Career assessments have played a critical role in student’s life. To help individuals make more informed career decisions, IMS is delicately working though out the session.
IMS has an active Placement Cell which facilitates Placements & Internships to the students. Different organizations & companies come to the campus for recruitment & students also pursue higher education & specialize in varied disciplines like Social Work, Finance, Journalism, Personnel Management and Industrial Relations.
National Service Scheme, under the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Govt. of India, popularly known as NSS was launched in Gandhiji’s Birth Centenary Year 1969, in 37 Universities involving 40,000 students with primary focus on the development of personality of students through community service.
Today, NSS has more than 3.2 million student volunteers on its roll spread over 298 Universities and 42 (+2) Senior Secondary Councils and Directorate of Vocational Education all over the country. From its inception, IMS has its both boys and girls wings of NSS and several students have benefited from the NSS activities as student volunteers.
The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) is a voluntary humanitarian organisation to protect human life and health based in India. It is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and so shares the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The society’s mission is providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promoting health & care of vulnerable people and communities. It has a network of over 700 branches throughout India. The Society uses the Red Cross as an emblem in common with other international Red Cross societies. Volunteering has been at the very heart of the Indian Red Cross Society since its inception in 1920, with the Society having Youth and Junior volunteering programmes.
IMS has the youth wing of IRCS participating in various social welfare activities and programmes. Young volunteers can make a significant contribution to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people within their local communities through Red Cross youth programme.
The Institute has a well equipped conference hall with the seating capacity of up to 100 students. Also fully equipped with audio-visual equipment to make our seminars, meetings, presentations and function unique & memorable.
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