4th National Media Conclave


4th National Media Conclave

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the world to introspect about the economic, social, geo-political and even environmental consequences of the outbreak. The vulnerability of humankind to the microbe is now apparent. Given the fact that the norms for social distancing are possibly going to stay a lot longer, the need for adopting technology-driven solutions, including virtual and augmented reality, is likely to be an integral part of this ‘new normal’. Physical meetings went digital. Face-to-face discussions became screen-to-screen. The focus of conversations changed.


Keeping this in view, the Organising Committee has decided to hold the fourth edition of the National Media Conclave-2020 virtually in order to keep the tradition intact. Hence, we would like to invite you to join the mega event digitally to be held from November 21 to 22. The broad theme of the conclave is “Communication for Social Change’. The growing emphasis on participatory, ‘horizontal’ communication – such as stakeholder dialogue and consultation and bottom-up community media – has created spaces in which people can define development and give meaning to and claim their citizenship. Such spaces allow people not only to be heard but also to reshape boundaries and social and cultural norms that underpin knowledge and power relations. This in turn could contribute to empowerment and social change.


Thus, while mass communication and behavioral change communication are considered useful in themselves and for promoting pre-determined reforms, participatory communication may have greater potential to contribute to locally-owned reforms and sustainable change at various levels of society.


In this regard, we invite you to participate as a delegate and also present a paper on any sub-theme. Please note that all full papers received within November 15, 2020, subject to approval by the editorial board, shall be published in the form of e-book as a part of the conference proceedings.


The two-day conclave being organised by the IMS along with Utkal University endeavors to bring faculties, research scholars and practicing media executives, developmental programme managers, policy makers and people’s representatives together on a virtual platform to share their ideas and research findings and discuss the implications of communication for social change and transformation.